At around 4 pm on Tuesday, a group of 22 trekkers from Karnataka and Maharashtra found themselves stranded at the Kufri top due to extremely bad weather, while coming back from the Sahastra Tal Trek. They began the trek on May 29 and were scheduled to be back by June 7. The Uttarkashi and Tehri Disaster Management Centre was alerted about the incident. Soon after, the State Disaster Response Force (SDRF) teams were sent for rescue and relief to the Kush Kalyan base camp, where the trek commenced. Nine of the 22 trekkers were rescued, while 13 remained stranded on Kufri Top. Of those left on the hill top, five died of extreme cold weather. The rescue operations have been halted for now due to rough weather conditions. Five trekkers died of extreme cold stranded on top of a hill at an altitude of 15,000 feet on the Uttarkashi-Tehri border.