Congress spokesperson Ragini Nayak filed a complaint with the Delhi Police Tuesday against INDIA TV chairman Rajat Sharma, accusing him of using “abusive language” against her during a live discussion on the channel on 4 June. In her complaint, filed in the Tughlaq Road Police Station in New Delhi, Nayak said that Sharma’s act amounted to “insulting her modesty”, which she also claimed at a press conference at the Congress headquarters. Nayak said that Sharma was under the “wrong impression” that he “can get away just because he has the blessings of the establishment and Prime Minister Narendra Modi”. “My parents, my in-laws, my children, everyone was watching that video. Lakhs and crores of Congress workers and supporters saw how you abused me on air. Just because I am working with integrity for my party. You did not just abuse me, but also started threatening me to not hold the press conference,” Nayak told reporters. According to the complaint, Sharma allegedly abused Nayak during a live show at 11 am on 4 June.